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Fire/EMS Services

Rapid Intervention Team (RIT)

This term is taken from the fire service, a designated crew that will serve as a stand-by rescue team for personnel and be available for the immediate search and rescue of any missing, trapped, injured or unaccounted for firefighter/ems.  Our RIT team pertaining to WWPS has firefighters/EMS professionals from all over the United States and the World to help brothers and sisters in crisis.  We will help guide them to our partners in the professional community for counselling and/or inpatient treatment.   We will also try to bridge that gap with peer support until their goal is met.

Please contact anyone below for contact information in your area

 Chris K.

Illinois Firefighter


 Tony F.

Florida Firefighter


Chuck E.

Retired MD. Firefighter


 Skip O.

Indiana Firefighter



This service is offered upon approval of the Board, when the funds are available for firefighters/EMS personnel for professional service that insurance does not cover. This will be on a case-by-case interview process with our Scholarship committee over zoom with the individual needing help. 

Family Services

Family Services


We promise you are not alone! We are people just like you who have been there, we have lived it, we are still taking it day by day and there is hope for your heart. We know how hard it is to take this time for self-care, but please reach out. We would love to listen and share our experiences. We are the support you need.


For support contact:

When a Firefighter/EMT/Paramedic is in crisis and suffering from PTSD, the ache is like a ripple effect that impacts the whole family. It can be very difficult to take your own needs into consideration when your loved one is exhibiting behaviors such as:


  • Isolation

  • Withdrawing from family and friends

  • Not sleeping

  • Abusing drugs or alcohol

  • Having anger issues

  • Nightmares

  • Engaging in (self) destructive behaviors

It is overwhelming when you feel like you have nowhere to turn, and no one could possibly understand your feelings of:


  • Guilt

  • Shame

  • Loneliness

  • Helplessness

  • Anger

  • Frustration

  • Worry

  • Fear

  • “Walking on eggshells”

  • The extreme weight/burden on your shoulders

  • The insecurity in yourself and your relationship

  • The questioning of your own sanity and well being


  • Crisis Textline Chat online with Lifeline Text TALK to 741741

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

  • Disaster Distress Helpline 1-800-985-5990

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